


Bug #2277

Updated by akhila bs 11 months ago

 1.Meeting Card - Applicable for all accounts 
     i)"to" text is missing in between time and meetings.  
    ii) Count of meeting should appear as per design. 

 2. *Client / Team Message card - All user types* - Client/TeamMember profile pic is missing ,time and message count should appear as per the design. 

 3. *Notification card - All User types* - Notification count is missing. 

 4. *Total Non billable hours - Group Head account*    "-"[hyphen] symbol should be remove. 

 5. *Average Billing Rate - Group Head Account* - Icon image should display as per design and First letter upper case for "hour" as per design.  

 6. *Closed / Active Matters - Group Head account* - New Clients , New Hires card - text should appear on single line as per design. 

 7. *Relationship card - Group Head Account* 
    i)In Relationships card, alphabet 's' is missing in Relationships (Image attached) 
    ii)Relationships card: The logo is mismatched when compared to the design.(Image Attached) 

 8. Meeting Card, Team and Client Message Notification text color should be as per design. 


 8.All cards - Alignments doesn't match to the design 
