


Feature #2267

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 8 months ago

Issue - 1 
 *Another scenario* 

 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on meetings 
 3. Create an any event with future time [This event is displayed in Meeting and notification card on dashboard] 
 4. Again click on meetings module 
 5. Select the same event 
 6. Edit the time and date for that event and click on save. 
 7. Click on dashboard 
 *Notification for this updated event should display on 'Notification card' like event is updated. But Still, an old notification only will appear* 

 Issue - 2 
 1. Login to Lauditor 
 2. Click on meetings 
 3. Create an any event with two TM's [This event is displayed in Meeting and notification card on dashboard] 
 4. Again click on meetings module 
 5. Select the same event 
 6. Remove one team member and add the new member to that event and click on save 
 7. Login the Lauditor with Removed TM account  
 8. Check the Notification card for both Members 

 Removed Team member should get an notification for that event on Notification card 

  *If the organizer removes or adds the TM from that members for the event, Removed person respective persons should get an notification in the 'Notification card'.* [for ex: the event is cancelled] updated]
