


Bug #2162

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 6 months ago

 1. Color of merge button should change as per design.[Image -1] --1]  
 2. Merge --Merge PDF client / Firm,    Alignment , Color and space should change as per design [Image -2] -2]--- 
 3. Every selected file should appear in a separate box as per design and Change the background color of the files.[Image -3] 
 4. Select Add Page Number    --> Change the color of checkbox as per design and when Unselect the box.[Image-4] 
 5. Change the font of the titles: Show Bookmark, Add Page Number, Custom Page Numbers and    Change the color of Add button and Add title and text button as per design.[Image -5] 
 6. Headings: Add Title and Text Alignment should change as per design.[Image-6] 
