


Bug #2071

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 9 months ago

 While editing the uploaded document in edit metadata, and then remove the document. Still, metadata fields appear [Document Name,Description and Expiration date] for the removed document. 

 Steps :  
 * click upload button tab 
 * click client or firm tab 
 * select the client name or firm  
 * click on browser and upload a document 
 * Click on edit button on the document and remove the same document  
 * Still metadata fields appear [Document Name,Description and Expiration date]for the removed document. 

 Another scenario  

 Steps :  
 * click upload button tab 
 * click client or firm tab 
 * select the client name or firm  
 * click on browser and upload a document 
 * Click on edit button on the document 
   click on Firm tab 
   Metadata fields are appear in the firm tab but it should not appear
