


Bug #2085

Updated by Vengadeshwaran R 9 months ago

 Scenario 1 :  
   Edit the document name or description and chooses the expiration date as past or present, that data does not save and an alert popup does not appear. 


   Steps :  
 * Click on Document  
 * click on View 
 * click on Client or Firm 
 * Select the client or firm 
 * click on action button 
 * Click on Edit info.  
 * Change the document name or description 
 * chooses the expiration date as past or present, that data does not save and an alert popup does not appear. 

 Scenario 2 :  
   Unable to edit the document name and description when the expiration date appears as invalid. 


   Steps :  
 * Click on Document  
 * click on View 
 * click on Client or Firm 
 * Select the client or firm 
 * click on action button 
 * Click on Edit info 
 * Change the document name or description 
 * chooses the expiration date as past or present and save it  
 * Again open the same document and click on edit info 
 * Change the document name or description, that time    expiration date appears as invalid. 
 * Click on Save , data doesnot saved. 
