


Bug #1586

Updated by Neela Chinnappa almost 2 years ago

Login to Lauditor 
 Click on Documents 
 Click on Merge PDF 
 Click on Client 
 Select documents to merge 
 Click on merge 
 1. Space between the "Minimum of 2 PDFs required to merge" and selected file should display as per design. 

 2. Change the font of the selected file for merge as per design. 

 3. Every selected file should appear in a separate box as per design and Change the background color of the files 

 4. In "add title and text" button, Change "add" to "Add"    and Change the color of "add title and text" button as per design.  

 5. Change the place of Cancel and Merge button and When user selects the "Add Page Number", Cancel and Merge button is moving 

 6. Select Add Page Number --> Change the color of checkbox as per design and when Unselect the box 
 box, Change the surrounding color of the box.  
