


Bug #1738

Updated by Neela Chinnappa over 1 year ago

Click on Upload 
 Click on Client 
 Select the Client 
 Upload the Document , Click on browser [PDF FIles] 
 Click on Upload  
 Click on Upload More  
 Upload the Document , Click on browser [Image FIles] 
 Click on Upload  
 Click on View Changes  

 Click on Merge PDF 
 Click on Client  
 Select the Client Name  
 Image Files also appear only PDF Files should be allow. 
 File names should appear as upload names. 

 *Another scenario*  
 Another scenario 
 Login to Lauditor 
 Click on Documents 
 Click on Upload and client/Firm 
 Select client and upload Image files 
 Click on upload 
 Click on merge pdf with client/firm 
 Select the client 
 The Merge PDF page displays image files. It should not be accepted. 
