


Bug #1724

Updated by akhila bs over 1 year ago

# *Create Group/Edit Group Info* :- When space Login to Lauditor 
 Click on Groups 
 Click on Create group 
 Enter Space is    given as a character in for Group name and Description, only below description field 
 Click on save 
 *Only the group name Alert is displayed. Alert should be displayed below  

 # field displays the alert* 

 Second scenario 
 Enter the text in group name field without enter description --> 
 Click on Add team members --> 
 Select team members and select group head--> head 
 Click on save --> It 
 *It navigates to create group page. Page should remain th Group info page and alert slould be displayed below description field 

 #    Search bars Click on save in *Add create group members page/Selected group members page/Assign group head page/view groups/Update Group Members list/Update Group Head/Delete group pages* --> User should not be allowed to put space, space should be dicarded/trimed page. No alert is displayed* 
