


Bug #1101

Updated by akhila bs almost 2 years ago

Tested in Chrome,FireFox,Edge 
 Account -    Superuser/Group Head/Team Member 

 1.Login to Lauditor 
 2.Click on Matters  
 3.Click on Create in Legal Matters 
 4.Fill the all details  
 5.Click on Next in Matters info  
 6.It Navigate to Groups  
 7.Select the Groups 
 8.Click on Next 
 9.It Navigate to Clients 
 10.Select the Clients 
 11.Click on Next 
 12.It Navigate to Team Members 


 1. Selected Team Member(s),Assign Team Memeber(s) color and Alignment are not as per design* design 
 !clipboard-202211300053-k2qla.png! --> Web image 
 !clipboard-202211301243-hsapa.png! --> Reference Image 

 2. *"Select 2."Select all" check box placement is not as per the design* design 
 !clipboard-202211301250-ku0j3.png!--> Web image 
 !clipboard-202211301250-ptgy2.png!--> Reference Image 

 3. Team member search box: Hint --> Follow camel case fonts 

 4. * Alignments are not as per the designs --> "Selected Team Member(s)", "Assign Team Member(s)", Between each members in the column* column 
 !clipboard-202211301315-a4hnf.png!--> Reference Image 

 *5. 5. Highlight of team members - whenever the mouse is hovered (in both coloum : "Selected Team Member(s)", "Assign Team Member(s)")* Member(s)") 

 6. * Check boxes are not checked while selecting , Directly seleted and will be listed left(refer design)* design) 

 7. *"Selected "Selected Team Member(s)", "Assign Team Member(s)" list alignment : Change central alignment to left alignment* 

 8. *Change button name : "Save" to " *Next* "* 
 !clipboard-202211301332-8i9rv.png!--> Reference Image 
 !clipboard-202211301333-ygtff.png!--> Web Image 

 9. "Cancel" and "Next" button should be placed in the bottom of the page, there should not be any movement upon the adding or removing the Members 
 10. *Size of team member container box is too big compare to design, Change it as per the design*  

 11. "x" button colour should be changed as per the design 

 !clipboard-202211301340-nb1ue.png! --> Web Image 

 12. Remove text : "SelectedDocumentsEvent" in the page 


 Super User - Id : | Password : Test@123 
 Team Member - Id: | Password : Tes@123 
 Group Head - Id: | Password: Test@123
