


Bug #1062

Updated by akhila bs over 2 years ago

Tested in Chrome,FireFox,Edge 
 Account -    Superuser/Group Head/Team Member 

 1.Login to Lauditor 
 2.Click on Matters  
 3.Click on Create in Legal Matters 
 4.Fill the all details  
 5.Click on Next in Matters info  
 6.It Navigate to Groups  

 1. Selected Group(s),Assign to Group(s) color should change as per design and Alignment is not proper, Follow the design  
 !clipboard-202211290000-euhbq.png! --> *Web Image* 
 !clipboard-202211290001-vk6fw.png! --> *Referenace Image* 

 2. *Assign to Group(s) should be Mandatory, Provide asterisk symbol to Remove the field* 

 3.    box for Select all Check box placement is incorrect in the web 
 !clipboard-202211290001-gf3ye.png! --> *Reference image* 
 !clipboard-202211290003-taudi.png! --> *Web Image* 

 4. Alignemnet of group list --> *Both Selected groups and Assign to groups column* : Change Central alignmenet to *Left Alignment* 
 !clipboard-202211290012-nrn1w.png! --> *Reference Image* 
 !clipboard-202211290014-9go09.png! --> *Web Image* 

 5. Space between the groups (list) is Required 
 !clipboard-202211290016-khveh.png!--> *Reference image* 
 !clipboard-202211290018-mhgzv.png! --> *Web image* 

 6. Spacing between "Selected Group(s) and " Assign to groups" column is required 
 !clipboard-202211290022-pbjdx.png! *Reference image* 
 !clipboard-202211290024-p6zya.png! --> *web Image* 

 7.Selected groups : Colour of "X" button should be changed 


 Select all will come right side as per design 

 Super User - Id : | Password : Test@123 
 Team Member - Id: | Password : Tes@123 
 Group Head - Id: | Password: Test@123
