


Bug #887

Updated by Neela Chinnappa almost 2 years ago

Tested in Chrome,FireFox,Edge 
 Account -Admin /Super User  
 Login to Lauditor 
 Click Groups in Left side Menu 
 Click on View Team Members  
 Click on Action button 
 Click on Reset Password /Delete Member 

 Confirmation message popup 
 a. Confirmation a.Confirmation popup (x) close button will display on right side as per design 
 b. Heading "Confirmation" should appear b.Confirmation heading comes on left side as per design 
 c. Confirmation c.Confirmation texts should display will come on left side as per design 
 d. Confirmation d.Confirmation popup group name text is missing as per design 
 f. Confirmation f.Confirmation popup , Change the color for Yes and No button as per design 
 g. Confirmation g.Confirmation popup , Need space for Yes and No button as per design 

 Admin      -    Id    : | Password :    Test@123 
 Super User - Id : | Password :    Test@123
