


Bug #3753

Updated by Neela Chinnappa 3 months ago

1. Login the Lauditor 
 2. Click on Relationships 
 3. Click on Add relationships 
 4. Click on Entity 
 5. Enter the new name and search [Not found error appears] 
 6. Enter the email  
 7. Enter the confirm email that is not match with email 
 8. Select country 
 9. phone number is left empty 
 10. Click on send request 

 *Error message appears for email and confirm email does not match in back screen, simultaneously, 'check the phone number field' error appears.  
 Alert message should be displayed in the correct order.* 

 11. Scroll up or down the screen 

 *Error message is also moving up and down, it should be restricted.* 

 12. Switch to Individual/ Corporate tab 

 *The The error message for "Email" and "Confirm Email" appears in the "Confirm Email" field for both the Individual and Corporate tabs. Additionally, even after the fields in the Individual tab lose focus (blur), they remain editable.* editable. 
