Bug #4098
openAV Chat [Team chat] - Incorrect online status displayed in AV chat.
Credentials are used
hipil16626@aleitar.com - Login with this account in android DG Counsel [User name: New member A]
kipoyej938@hidelux.com - Login with this account in web DG Counsel [User name: Rika TM]
1. Open the Av chat with above mentioned credentials on both sides
2. Select the team chat
3. Select the department [department name: Intellectual department]
4. On web DG Counsel, New member A should be online, call button should be enabled for him. But incorrect member shows online
5. Make a call from incorrect member in web
6. On Android DG Counsel, Rika TM is getting the call from web
Actual Behavior: When Team Member A logs into AV chat, the system incorrectly shows Team Member B as online instead.
Expected Behavior: The system should correctly display the online status of the logged-in team member.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eNQzlCKd-Ch3gpx6JiJNRQlBb1en_tFh/view?usp=drive_link [From Web]
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