Bug #3839
closedDocuments - View - Client / Firm - success message should change if the user modifies the tag or edits document details.
1. Login the Lauditor
2. Click on Documents
3. Click on View
4. Select any decrypted document
5. Change it as encrypted
6. Click on Edit of the same document
7. Update the document name and description
8. Click on save
Issue - 1 : Success message should display as 'You have successfully updated the information,' but instead, it shows 'You have successfully encrypted the document.
Issue - 2: When updating the tags, the success message incorrectly displays as 'You have successfully encrypted the document.' The appropriate success message should appear.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WmYjjrzk3tqC-2PLh6Y1_h9CoDfAgmhn/view?usp=drive_link [Issue - 2 & Issue -3]
Issue - 3 [UI Change]
When updating the decrypt to encrypt document, the success message should ensure that the initial letters of all relevant words [H, S, E, D] are in lowercase.
Updated by kumar r about 2 months ago
- File Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2024-12-31 at 12.19.36.png Simulator Screenshot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2024-12-31 at 12.19.36.png added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from kumar r to Neela Chinnappa
Updated by Anantha kumar about 1 month ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed